
Region IV of the American Guild of Organists covers the Southeastern United States and Bermuda, including the states of North Carolina, South Carolina, Florida, Tennessee, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi and Eastern Louisiana. There are seven districts, 58 local chapters, and over 3,000 members. Our work supports the mission of the Guild: To promote the organ in its historic and evolving roles, to encourage excellence in the performance of organ and choral music, and to provide forum for mutual support, inspiration, education, and certification of Guild members.

February 3, 2010

University of Florida Sacred Music Workshop

May 2-4, 2010, The University of Florida will host the 3rd Annual Sacred Music Workshop. This year's workshop, "Inspiring Worship," will feature guest clinician David Cherwien and guest ensemble the Orlando Deanery Boychoir and Girls Choir. The registration fee is $75 if postmarked by April 15, and $90 if postmarked after April 15. Group rate hotel rooms are available at Holiday Inn University. For more information, please visit the Sacred Music Workshop web page, or e-mail Alyssa Rodgers at jalyssar@ufl.edu or call 352.273.3181.

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